Thursday, November 13, 2008

CNSA reflection

California Student Nurses Association
State Annual Convention

UNIVERSAL CITY- I did not know what to expect at the CSNA conference that Saturday. I was anticipating to meet nursing professors and receive more information about schools and different programs. Though I glanced over the schedule for the day, the conference and meetings brought me many surprises. That morning, I was an hour late, because I had gotten lost on my way to the conference. When I arrived at the conference, the first plenary speaker was welcoming the students and spealing about being a star by doing more than the requirements in the nursing career. He encouraged us to look past the social stereotypes and to look at our personal aspirations and the nursing profession as a whole. I also attended the seminars "Take 1" and "Learning from the Master" by Marlene Hurst with my fellow CNR club members. We learned to tackle some of the NCLEX questions in a very educationally stimulating way that kept us on our feet. We, the listeners, filled the room with laughters and answers to the speaker's questions. I also sat in the seminar "Inside the Screen Actors Guild: Finding the Right Coach" and was reminded of how mentors and role models greatly influence the student's career and goal planning. The seminar confirmed my decisions to becoming an excellent nurse and soon a nurse educator. I am looking forward to being a mentor or role model for the future generation of nurses after my years of experience and memories as a nurse. Overall, the conference was a great experience to learn more of the nursing field, to gain greater insights as to how to survive as a nurse, and to spend time with fellow nursing students as we become the next generation of nurse leaders.
- Hannah Jang
Official Member
The Collegiate Nursing Readiness Club

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