Friday, December 12, 2008

SMC Winter Class

Dear Pre-Nursing Program Student:

I am emailing you to let you know about a class that will be offered this winter at SMC for pre-nursing, currently enrolled, and re-entry nursing students. Although this class is not mandatory, it is highly highly recommended since it is designed to help nursing students improve their study skills, prepare for examinations, take notes, manage time, and increase reading comprehension and vocabulary. This class will help prepare you to succeed in Nursing Program courses, especially for those who seeking admission to the nursing program. Please think about registering for this class, if you have not yet taken it already. It is a really great class!

Counseling 1, Developing Learning Skills
Section # 1159
Six week session
starts January 9th
Bundy Campus, Room 217
Instructor: Lisa Battaglia, Nursing Counselor

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